[Tragedy] Translation from spanish: "He fell in love with a japanese cartoon: 15 years old boy killed himself for his imaginary girlfriend"

Ok. The whole thing is pixelated to shit.

The white text in the red bar at the top is "hanged himself is his room and left letter "wishing her words of love"(?)"

Those two photos of handwriting are his suicide note. From what I can tell it's basically a love letter to waifu. I can only read the very end where it's like:

                  Love you
                                               (his/her name?)

The text beneath the first letter image says "Part of the letter where he declared his love for his girlfriend, saying he would do the impossible so they'd be together"

The text beneath the second image says essentially "the newspaper that obtained this image was left stunned at the love this boy had for this caricature, so strong that it lead to his death"

The titles of the text besides those images say "the series consumed him" and "letters to his love"

Beneath second title all I can read is "I loved the girl... Asked God that he could... He loved her... Could enter..."

Pity I can't read the note. I know that's where most of our morbid curiosity was directed.

I know this may be a bit weird but does anyone know what anime this is from?

/r/justneckbeardthings Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com