The trans community is a shit show

I'd rather that transgender people just blend in with other transgender people. I don't see you as a man but a woman so I'd rather you don't enter male spaces and instead had a "trans man" space for you to mingle in.

I don't think you're bad people or anything. It's just that I'd rather not be tricked into believing a woman is a man because it's manipulative and deceptive. Just like how I wouldn't like to be tricked into believing someone is kind when they're actually horrible.

It's not really you so it gets uncomfortable for me to deal with that. Plus, I don't want to play-pretend with pronouns and taking part in a social experiment where I treat you like the opposite gender.

It might be fun to do when you're just messing around in an event or something but for it to be permanently like that? It gets strange and uncomfortable for me. I've met a lot of transgender people and they really do seem different from most people and that's affected my opinion about them.

There's usually something off about them. Like they make a conscious effort all the time to play up the gender stereotype of the gender that they believe they are. I just can't help but feel awkward around them.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread