trans women who have undergone genital surgery, what was it like? what does it feel like? how was the recovery? is there a possibility of complications? how much did it cost?

I'm just over 2 months post op, and while I don't regret having bottom surgery and getting rid of the penis, I am still on the fence about whether I will regret having had my specific surgery with my specific surgeon.

While I'm healing well, and in generally good shape, I have had a few complications and a sub-optimal aesthetic result so far.

The good news: I'm starting to feel the urge to be active again, I'm cleared for physical activity, and I'm starting to rebuild after 2 months of almost complete inactivity compared to my pre-op normal (which was running ~5-6 km 3 times a week.) My vaginal canal seems to be pretty healthy, I can't start with the largest dilator, but it takes me < 3 minutes to get the medium one to depth, I hang out there for about 5 minutes, and then the large one goes in in less than a minute. I've also successfully orgasmed, and holy shit, it was super intense, like full body shaking and losing control. Wow.

The bad news: My clitoral hood split open, so my clitoris is rather exposed and not very well protected (it also feels huge when it sticks up out from between my minora). The hood also feels pretty anterior, as though it starts at the same place as my majora start as opposed to further down/back. My introitus isn't centered between my labial folds, to visualize it, think of the vulva like this |W| shape, insted of the introitus being in the middle of the W, it's between one of the | and the W. With legs up, my perineum overhangs the back end of the introitus a bit. And one of my majora seems to have no body to it and ends too far forwards/up. I also have relatively poor definition between majora and minora/hood on the side that has body. Lastly, after orgasming, owwww. Not ready to try that again soon. Which sucks because I have a sex drive again. I've also experienced my first vaginal yeast infection, post-op UTI, and bout of bacterial vaginosis. I'm trying to get a good flora established, hopefully I can shove enough probiotics into my system quickly enough and support them with the right pH this time that I won't have a repeat.

The relatively positive news: I'm pretty sure that with a revision all of the irritations can be fixed. It just sucks dealing with the feeling of being somewhat mangled right now.

/r/asktransgender Thread