Transexual catholics. How is your view of Marriage, sexuality and the complementearity of the sexes?

Transgender is an umbrella term for anything from thinking you're the opposite gender to feeling like you have some mix of the two in your head. I suppose one could consider to be so. I have masculine and feminine aspects to my personality and have an attraction to both sexes. I kinda like the term "two-spirit" because it has a lot more history and a better focus than the trendy modern terms and ideas, but really I try to avoid all of the lgbt labels because I have little tolerance for progressive identity politics.

What is Marriage?

The holy and eternal union of man and woman, typically leading to motherhood (hence matrimony) or at least some openness to children.

What are the goals of Marriage for you?

I'd love to have a wife and kids. Hopefully I'll find someone in the next few years.

Why is Marriage a sacrament?

As today's gospel reading (wedding at Cana) shows, Jesus certainly sees marriage as holy.

What is sexual complementearity and why is it important for God?

In modern terms, gender roles. It's the natural order.

Should sex be unitive and procreative?


What is your position over abortion?

It's not much different than any other form of homicide.

What defines a woman/man?

Basic human genetics

Is there a need for a man and a woman to create a family?


Does a child deserves a father and a mother?


How do you feel when a catholic calls you by your birth asigned sex? Like if you were born a male but is not your desired gender. And they use "he,his,him" in their sentences.

I'm a big fan of the royal we, but I'm not narcissistic enough to expect anyone to conform to using special pronouns.

When should sex/copulation be used?

Within the context of marriage

Is masturbation sinful?

Yes, but not necessarily a grave sin. There have been moral theologians who've argued that is venial.

Do you wish to get married?


What is your opinion on premarital sex?

Never had it

What is your opinion over pornography?

From a moral standpoint, it's pretty bad stuff.

How do you feel about that catholic rule of no marriage for the impotent?

It makes sense.

If you are a transexual who is attracted to the people of the sex you were born with (eg: a transman who likes women), how would complementearity of the sexes work in that relationship?

It doesn't.

What is your perspective of homosexual marriage?

Isn't that an oxymoron? I'm one of the biggest supporters of enfrerement (mainly because so few have heard of it), but not fake marriages.

Artificial insemination?

I'd greatly prefer the natural way.

Use of wombs, rented wombs?

No thanks


No plans to use it, but I'm no good at planning anyway.

Do you feel the church should identify you with the sex you identify with?

The Church has had half a century to compromise beliefs and try to be trendy; let's cut our losses and try to fix the problems instead of trying to distance it from reality.

What is your position about female priests?

Another oxymoron

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