The transformation of a street in Detroit from 2008 - 2018

Noticed something similar somewhere close to Bakersfield, CA on our way from San Jose, CA to Las Vegas 6 years ago. We were running out of gas so looked for nearest gas station on Google Maps and followed the direction to nearest Shell station. On the way there noticed decrepit homes and surrounding with not many people around! When we reached the gas station it was non-operational and boarded up and in a bad situation. The town seemed like a ghost town as well. Luckily found another gas station 15 mins away but that’s the first time I really felt the stark contrast that us Silicon Valley folks were living in a bubble/oasis far away from the reality of American towns and communities that were reeling from effects of water scarcity (in CA), lack of employment, etc. Silicon Valley folks who earned 6 figure salaries but still complaining about not having a job at Google or Facebook didn’t realize how good we had there comparing to many places in US where many people would be just happy to have a minimum wage job let alone a six figure one.

I am out of Silicon Valley and am happier now living in a LCOL area now. I make much less but have less stress and more work life balance now.

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