Transgender athlete wins state titles in 100m and 200m

I first heard this paper referred to in a question/answer session with Ben Shapiro a few months and was going based on what he said. I remembered the details incorrectly. I went back and looked at the paper in greater detail and I think you're right. Sorry for not looking into it more thoroughly before, because the point that I was making was not entirely accurate. I think the point that Shapiro was making was that the discrepancy between the transgender population and the general population is not due to discrimination alone and that there are other underlying factors. Which, based on the numbers is an accurate statement (40% vs 4%). However, I think he may have underplayed the effects of harassment.

I still do think one of the most important things is ensuring better access to health care, but I see that I was simplifying things too much before. There are still too many unknowns to be able to suggest a best course of action. Thank you for making me think about this, I've never really considered this topic too deeply before because it doesn't effect me directly.

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