Transitioning from Military to Engineering Student

I'll keep this as short as possible. In high school I barely passed math and physics. I went the social science route (Canada). Ended up getting a history degree.

At 26, I had not touched any sort of math in over 8 years. Through a mech engi friend I saw the light, I proceeded to sign up for the prerequisite classes for mechanical engineering. Did the whole of cal 1, 2, linear, mechanics, electricity & magnetism and chem 1. I got accepted in mech engi. First year of actual engineering was a big wake up call in terms of time and energy investment. I finished 50 or so credits at this point in the program out of 120. I hover around 3.0 GPA atm.


  • find a good tutor. If it wasn't for tutoring I would not be in engineering right now.

  • discipline and routine. First year thought me that the hard way.

  • Make peace with it. Everything else is expendable, but your study and sleep time are not. Try as much as possible to take emotion out of the equation. This will help with the mountains of frustration coming your way. You will spend at least 4 years constantly not knowing shit, embrace it.

  • All it takes is time and sacrifice. If i was able to do it so can you.

  • Join an active relevant society SAE, Space, etc... You will have access to people and documents that will make your life a lot easier.

  • It is doable. Lose yourself in the material, push it as far as possible, learn everything you can.

/r/EngineeringStudents Thread