Transparency in Open Development

Honestly dude, believe what you want to believe. I find it ridiculous you think it's taboo to call someone a troll or refundian here, (implying it's not accepted), when that's such obvious horseshit.

LOL we'll get to this later.

That's all you guys do in response to criticisms you don't like.

Yes, it's only us that do that.

Again, you keep acting like what I'm saying is wrong, while I've said nothing but the truth.

So you do have a sense of humor!

Your responses are basically you grasping at straws in an effort to convince yourself I'm lying.

I believe the term "psychological projection" is what you're looking for. What was that sub you recommended? /r/selfawarewolves?

All I've seen you do is act like a white knight, outright deny facts, and defend such behavior.

Oh yeah? Where?

So run along now and continue your circlejerk with your friends about how you can't criticize criticisms or call people trolls as if it's taboo.

Says the guy who spends a lot of time on the Refunds sub.

It's clear that talking with you will lead to nowhere.

That is because in order to have a conversation you have to be willing to listen to the other person as well. But you can't do that if you throw a label on anyone that says something you disagree with. A closed mind is a dying mind.

Edit: And I was talking about this:

Also, nice job on the reading comprehension shade you threw at me. That was a nice touch from someone who complains about personal attacks being thrown at people over disagreements...

Oh THAT one? If you bothered to read it and comprehend what I'm saying you would know exactly why I have a problem with that kind of thing. You might even notice it was intentionally written with some strikingly familiar arguments that a certain someone seems alright using themselves.


And the taboo part? It sure seems that a lot of Refundians and other trolls seem to have problems when being called out for being called Refundians and trolls. Take this thread for example.

TL;DR: You like to dish it out, but you can't take it.

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