Is it transphobic to not want to have sex with a trans person?


well you are the target audience perhaps, its like you saying to an x person you arent attracted to x people, so obviously they hatin

I have thoughts, but they are rude, and i dont want to be rude which is why i am not talking incompatible physicalities, although they are an issue.

the world is full of ladies, why should i go with one, who is not only deeply conflicted about themselves, but also considers(ed) the ludicrous notion of "becoming the other gender" the only solution to their woes? In what way does that connect with me, a person who does not have any gender dysmorphia? Why should I complicate my life with that, and the associated uncharted gendered expectations from them i will inevitably face?

Ironically I have no need for a lady to fit into a "feminine" box, id be so happy to date a lady with a buzz cut or who didnt wear dresses etc. Not into fake nails and high heels anyways,

/r/sex Thread