Transposing account list

Alright I have a sort of insane fix for you. I made a couple of assumptions:

  1. Phone number always comes before fax number
  2. Address always comes before phone/fax number

If these assumptions are true, then this will work:

Frank's Hot Sauce =IF(ISBLANK(A1)=TRUE,"Company Name",IF(COUNTIF(A2,"@")=1,"Email",IF(AND(B1="Phone",COUNTIFS(A2,"-")=1),"Fax",IF(COUNTIF(A2,"-")=1,"Phone",IF(ISNUMBER(VALUE(LEFT(A2,1)))=TRUE,"Address","Name"))))) =COUNTIF(B$1:B1,"")
123 Hot Sauce Lane Address 1
Ralph Saucerton Name 1
[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Email 1
123-123-1234 Phone 1
Ron's Discount Tires Company Name 2
261 Rubber Road Address 2
213-412-3423 Phone 2
213-545-2111 Fax 2
/r/excel Thread