[travelling] Need some help with my school presentation of Switzerland

then you may title your presentation "symbolic mountains of Switzerland". if your presentations is about CH (Switzerland), it depends on the context but you could mention that CH is located between France, Germany, Austria and Italy (and Liechtenstein but who cares) and consists in the federation of 26 mini-countries, cantons. much of CH's territory is mountains (around 70%). CH has plenty of water but its only access to the seas with boats (port) is Basel (but that's a fluvial kind of port). the population of the western cantons (22.5% of the population), close to France, speaks French, the population of Canton Ticino, together with part of two other Italy-bordering cantons, speaks Italian (8.1%), and the northeastern majority of the population (63.5%) has German as official language (actually they speak local dialects). some cantons have (a) language border(s) through them and are therefore multi-lingual. these languages and the associated cultures result in an interesting "totally European but Swiss" mix. compared to some countries that are too big, CH's size is small enough (41285 km2) to be manageable as a democracy. it's actually known to be very democratic. the Swiss society is built around laws and generally, people want them followed, which means the Swiss society is kind of stable and functioning. that, combined to industrialization, trade and peace (no world wars here), means CH kind of got economically successful during the last 150 years maybe. before that, CH was much poorer than the rest of Europe, which I think might have contributed to some degree of strictness and meticulousness in our culture.

/r/Switzerland Thread