TREAT PROPOSAL TO FUND r/PrequelMemes in the Second MEME WAR

I believe we should NOT sign the treaty for r/PrequelMemes.

Supreme Chancellor u/TheDStudge has not yet finished paying back the debts from the First Meme War. Should The Senate win this war I predict the r/PrequelMemes Alliance will have squashed the resistance of r/SequelMemes, ending all their problems in constructing the First Meme Empire.

Once The Senate has built this empire they have complete control over anything they desire through small scale meme warfare.

With this power they could threaten us into giving out bigger and bigger loans to support their growing Empire. In the long term it will only bankrupt the Banking Clan.

Instead I propose that we instead charge higher interest rates on their current war bonds. Only once we have our previous credits back should we hand out more. Charging more will profit us as well, getting back far more credits worth then we put in. Doing this sends The Senate a message, a message that we will not just keep signing treaties that disadvantage us and put The Senate in a greater position of power.

We should recollect on our debts now, while their economy is still producing high quality memes.

I beg of you fellow Muns, do NOT sign their treaty.

/r/bankingclanmemes Thread