Trending Subreddits for 2016-09-23: /r/MensLib, /r/DesignatedSurvivor, /r/WarshipPorn, /r/exmormon, /r/SpideyMeme

You said you "spent a couple evenings on OneY and TrueReddit trying to talk to people like you who were spreading complete nonsense about us", and then cite a different subreddit as the source of the vitriol. That's moving the goalposts.

Not at all. I mentioned OneY and TrueReddit because they sapped my will to deal with anti-feminists on anything but their own terms. I reference SRSsucks because they pretty much exist to be criticise us in the most offensive, ridiculous ways possible. I mean, have you not seen their sidebar?

I don't have to be "willfully" ignorant to not magically know that you were talking about critics that you didn't initially mention.

You have to be wilfully ignorant to think that all our critics our polite and reasonable.

Yet you demand evidence from them, only to summarily reject it. And then accuse them of being the ones arguing in bad faith.

Not once have i done this.

Have you considered the possibility that "giving evidence... proves to be pointless" because in your case it isn't actually evidence?

When somebody claims that all we talk about is women, and i show them the actual number of uses of the word "women" "men" "male" and "female" and they call me a cuck, that's pretty pointless.

You seem to think that replying to me is a waste of time, yet you continue to do so.

That was obviously in reference to the person i originally responded to.

I do not downvote comments simply because I disagree with them. In your case, I am downvoting them because you are being intellectually dishonest and arguing in bad faith. Note that part of this comment explicitly explains how I have come to that conclusion.


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