Trevor Noah Says Dems Who Violated Their Own Coronavirus Rules Are ‘Even Worse Than The Anti-Maskers’

This is hitting the nail on the head.

I'm not American, so this is maybe an outsider view, but the next 4 years are predictable. Trump's base have held him as almost above the law since elected, and that includes Fox news and the ilk. But now Democrats are in? A large portion of the left, and CNN etc, WILL cover these issues & hammer them over it. They're completely correct to do so - but next election? You're losing swing voters to the right again.

It's the same here in the UK. Both sides will always hold the other side to the highest scrutiny; but it feels like the left will (again, correctly) hold their own to the same, while the right lets anything slide as long as there's an (R) next to their name. And don't think for one second that Republicans won't take advantage of this time & time & time again.

Again - these people SHOULD be criticised, their actions are wrong and they know it. Just be aware that you aren't playing by the same rules as the other side.

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