Trevor Noah is a 'thief': Comedian Russell Peters

I truly get what you are are 100% correct at who the article was actually directed at...and I would be the first to say that this world/country/website is WAAAAY too PC and easily offended. EVERYBODY is offended is ruining everything (comedy included)...and Norton is THE MAN.

That said, his article was titled "Trevor Noah Isnt Wrong: You Are". Jimmy is the "voice of reason" on OandJ....a show only slightly to the left of Rush Limbaugh (now that Ant is gone). With that said, Jimmy is quick to get political and to take a PC/overly non-PC stance with little to no forethought. American Sniper? Well he punched out that faker, Jesse Ventura, so he must be cool! Well, no Jimmy...the guy would have kicked your ass in high school, he lied about hitting Ventura, he lied about killing people during Katrina, etc etc. That show sure gave The American Sniper plenty of airtime to tell him what a hero he is and to rub his balls for him.

A debate against Lindy West? Norton is calm and reserved like a PROFESSIONAL. He never sinks to "my level" in his debate against Lindy West, and he came off as very level headed. Maybe that was the time to use your worldwide stage to back a cause....not with The American Sniper or Anthony's stupid tweets, but with some blatantly wrong 3rd-wave feminist who was making the same points the strawmen in Norton's article are making....but he gives the strawmen so much more venom in the article than he gave a living, breathing, voice of that nonsense who was sitting two seats away from him.

I LOVE a comic, he is upper-echelon and in his own category of greatness. As a "political talking head", the guy could stand to pick his battles a little more wisely (in my opinion). This Noah issue will hopefully be one more reminder to him of that.

Keep it funny and leave the politics to Bill Hicks.

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