Trey Gowdy Fights Back Tears As He Warns Anyone Who Interferes With His Child Exploitation Investigation Will Be Forced To Publicly Explain Why They Are Obstructing It

You have to take into account that a lot of the time prosecutors are threatened or impeded from going forth with prosecutions and cases...

This is a systematic cover up that stinks from the bottom to the so called "top" levels of government.

All the bought out, morally devoid, psycopathic 33% of political spectrum have sold out their souls for black mail over their heads and diddling kids to keep their position of power and wealth.

These are individuals that are placed into the so called "highest" levels of many different influential points of governerance and thus control the whole US government like a fucking puppet.

This is the deep state

The deep state/shadow government/illuminati whatever you want to call it is complicit in these crimes against children and are responsible and ultimately will do everything in their power to prevent word of what they have done from getting out.

Of course one man in the government can't do this alone.

We need to all come together and keep pushing and applying pressure like we have and keep discussing it and getting it to hit critical mass.

This is how we win and this is how we are winning. The Internet only made our jobs ten fold easier

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