Treyarch change the IX spawning in so AFK players stop being a thing in Public Games

My reason for occasionally being afk in zombies: I can rarely tell who is hosting. Knowing how broken host-migration is, and how annoying it is when a host disconnects, I will go afk instead of quitting a game session once I have had enough, in order to avoid ending the game for everybody else. It gets a bit awkward when I’m auto-placed into another game while I’m away, though, because I will quit that one. Feelsbadman but if I’m going to sit and wait, watching for the game to finish so that I can back out, I might aswell be playing, and I can’t be leaving my playstation on all day just to be an afk guy in a bunch of zombies games.

I can’t remember which, but BO3 or WWII zombies would also put you back in a game lobby after a game had finished, and I’ve never understood why. If it is simply so that we can add players as friends once a game has finished, it hardly seems worth it. We have a recent players list, and a way to search for players.

/r/CODZombies Thread