Trials and deportations: 1919 Winnipeg strike leaders were punished first, vindicated later | CBC News

This was people fighting for basic things like the right to unionize and living wages (which somehow 100 years later we again are lacking??!). Some of them who were deported had even fought in the Great War. I feel like we have so much to learn from the use of martial law, special police, secret committees...

I was just researching the strike and reading some newspaper articles, the back and forth between Winnipeg's business elite and working class is wild. Interesting how it solidified the unique geographical barriers between socioeconomic classes in Winnipeg (mainly Crescentwood/Tuxedo/River Heights and North End/West End/Point Douglas). And Bloody Saturday! With "special" mounted police (hired goons?) opening fire on crowds of strikers and supporters! Madness.

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