Tricopter dead drop crash (video)... Can someone please help me figure out why this happened?

[–]SmithSith 1 point 18 hours ago  I'm not very familiar with Ardrucopter. However, some modes need special forethought before switching into. For instance if you fly something like a 350 QX in AP mode and switch to Stability, if you don't have the right throttle, you're dropping like a rock. Same thing on my multiwii 450....some modes require you to understand the throttle input before you switch modes. It looks like you didn't have enough throttle for the mode you switched to. Based on my quick read of the difference in loiter and stability mode...that's what happened. The FC might not have been able to react quick enough from your throttle correction...and you probably panicked and dumb thumbed it from there. permalinksavereportgive goldreply [–]Divot-Digger 1 point 10 hours ago  I'm not an expert but I think your 'copter is underpowered. See here: Imgur

At about the 17k mark, you'll see the autopilot is running the motors at 100% power to keep it airborne. You then switch it to stabilise (at about 22.5), the motors spin down and then don't spin up quickly enough to arrest the fall.

What's your AUW? permalinksavereportgive goldreply

formatting helpreddiquette Save [–]Divot-Digger 1 point 10 hours ago  I just ran some rough numbers and I'd recommend nothing more than 1200g as your AUW for this 'copter. If it's heavier, you need to increase the pitch of your rotor blades. permalinksavereportgive goldreply [–]evil-turtle33 0 points 14 hours ago  Id recommend, dont use stabilize mode..... permalinksavereportgive goldreply [–]Divot-Digger 1 point 10 hours ago  I disagree. You should have the copter flying well in stabilise before you try any autopilot modes.

This particular crash is a good example as to why testing in stabilise is so important. permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply

AUW is 1600g. That's with gimbal, telemetry, fpv, etc...

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