So I tried convincing my friends to play this game..

Game was on sale today so I tried it

First spawn: killed in 8 seconds. Literally before I could even see what was on my screen.

Second: about 30 seconds, respawns in the same area and got stabbed to death by I think the same person.

Third: spawned in the second area again, tried to run up to the guy killing me to kill him instead, but didn't realize I had to pull my rock out first. Died.

Fourth: finally spawned somewhere new. lasted 6 minutes. Was aimlessly running around trying to find any part of the map that didn't have tons of buildings already built on it. Got shot.

Fifth: managed to get away from that spawn zone, heard automatic gun fire on the way, snuck past one naked guy and some other guy I saw in the distance that didn't notice me. Spent 30 minutes running around trying to find an area that wasn't chock full of player built structures. Gave up and logged out.

I have 62 minutes played so far, and it has been pretty shit. Seems like the maps are far too small and people just camp the new spawn areas repeatedly killing them. The entire map is covered in player built structures. I literally could not find a place where there weren't at least 3 buildings in line of sight at all times. WTF?

/r/playrust Thread