Tried to film a cop

I'll admit I have a thing for getting the last word, but if I wanted to get butt pats for my opinions I'd go on Twitter.

Look, I'll be blunt. I worked my ass off and believed in the system you presumably claim to. It didn't take me long to figure out that we were the bad guys, but that was okay because I loved the job, and I was barely out of high school. I was able to turn a blind eye to all the lawbreaking, bigotry, and arrogance for a while because I didn't know any better, I thought we were right.

When my fellow deputies began plotting to murder a fireman for telling the truth about an excessive force complaint, at first I thought it was a joke! People getting their frustration out. But suddenly, after months of plotting in details, it suddenly didn't feel like a joke anymore.

So no. Fuck you. Anyone wearing a badge right now It's neither a hero nor a patriot, they are a thug. ACAB. That's my last word good night.

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