I tried having sex with my girlfriend, but she collapsed and forgot who i was..

What kind of retrograde amnesia? Which part of the brain would be injured for this to occur?

They dated for four months. She also forgot the two months prior to them dating, the period in which they became more to each other than just people who shared a chemistry class.

So the fact is, in the moment she was confronted with bringing their relationship to an intimate physical level, she forgot literally everything that happened between them leading to that moment.

OP clearly says doctors had no real explanation.

As an aside, you argue in an immature and personal way, rather than provide info or expand your point you'd rather just belittle mine. You could explain what sub type of retrograde amnesia you're talking about, or say what part of the brain can get damaged in such a way that you lose six months of memory and doctors can't find it in scans where they look directly at the long term memory centers of the brain responsible for storing and recalling those memories. Nope, instead you just argue with a bitter, snide tone and repeat yourself without adding any depth.

Not very convincing.

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