The Trinity is back

I agree, I really like Matt both as a person and a presenter, but I don't think he and Chris had some sort of special connection or is any better than what we've got now.

I've really enjoyed this series, I would say I would have liked someone with a bit more car knowledge than what Paddy has displayed so far. I would like to think his role is as the everyman car lover, the voice of what the viewer at home is thinking, but he hasn't really displayed the level of knowledge yet that I would probably expect Chris as the know-it-all, and Fred as the oaf who'll give everything a go work well together both as people and as a theoretical combination, but I'm not quite sure where Paddy has fit into that so far.

He can grow, though, if I were him I'd spend the time between series doing a lot of reading and driving as many different cars as I could get my hands on in preparation to try and bring something more unique to the team.

I'm happy so far, though, the series just gone probably had about 4 episodes worth of stuff that is perfect for Top Gear, with just a little bit to clean up for next series. It's a very good start.

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