TripWithScience Review

Very good shrooms tripped hard as fuck and had a great time with the girl. He now ships to europe if y'all did not know :).

Vendor Name/Marketplace: TripWithScience/AB
Product/s reviewed: 5 vials
International?:no (list countries)
Vendor requires FE?:no (yes or no)
Price before shipping:100
Shipping cost:$7 i believe
Customer Service: pick one below with an "x" like this: [x]
[X]+5 Superb: Polite, prompt, ensures satisfaction
[ ]+4 Good: Professional, exhibits customer care
[ ]+3 Satisfactory: Adequate responses, resolved issue
[ ]+2 Marginal: Subpar communication, partial resolution
[ ]+1 Bad: Poor communication, no resolution
[ ]+0 Awful: Abusive responses, no resolution
Product Quality: pick one below
[X]+5 Highest purity - highly potent
[ ]+4 Mostly pure - potent
[ ]+3 Minor cut or impurity - strong
[ ]+2 Cut and/or impure - medium to weak
[ ]+1 Almost entirely cut - very weak
[ ]+0 Possibly bunk - no effect
Processing Speed: pick one below
[X]+5 Processed & marked shipped in 24hrs
[ ]+4 Processed & marked shipped in 48 hrs
[ ]+3 Processed & marked shipped in 72 hrs
[ ]+2 Package is late
[ ]+1 Package is very late
[ ]+0 Never received package
Price Value: pick one below
[X]+5 Excellent - great value & low cost
[ ]+4 Moderate - worthy value & fair cost
[ ]+3 At-market - neither good nor bad
[ ]+2 Below-market - so-so value, high cost
[ ]+1 Exorbitant - low value, excessive cost
[ ]+0 Rip-off - little-to-no value, unjustified cost
Stealth & OpSec: check all that apply
[X]+1 Vacuum-sealed
[ ]+1 Mylar/non-porous container
[X]+1 Decoy/misdirection
[X]+1 Low package profile
[X]+1 Good OpSec/PGP
TOTAL: (x4 for 96%)
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