Trolls, I didn't get a promotion the other day because they 'found someone who would fit better with the team'. I learned that when they asked the team of two men who they would rather work with, one of them said they wouldn't be able to work with a vagina in the room. I don't know what to do.

I was in this position about 7 years ago. Guy came in and didn't even look at my resume. Put his feet up on the table and tried to intimidate me.

And the guy even used the same excuse on me after the interview. "I wasn't a good fit"

I had suspicions because it was shit behaviour and I was pissed off. I got a guy friend of mine call them and suss it out and confirmed for me that they just wouldn't hire girls. Apparently the guy was going through a bad divorce and was now taking it out on all women. They had a chat on the phone about 'bitches'.

It was one of the most unprofessional interviews I've ever had in my life.....

(Aside from the restaurant manager that tried to yell at everyone who witness a chair fall on a customer that he can't get sued for it and wouldn't even bother to phone an ambulance....anyways, story for another time).....( oh and the one with the panel where the woman that lost her shit and started to scream at me during an interview about legality when I had mentioned Aus rights on competitive marketing and hiring to answer one of their questions .....few years later that very woman tried to hire me for a television job and completely forgot she had lost her marbles on me the first time ......and another interview where the guy rejected me for not knowing a particular software just so I could show up two weeks later to train with him on that very software which his parent company hired me because he failed to 'find talent' with any previous experience of the software)

I almost forgot about the Asshole who didn't hire me for the reason I had a vagina. Anyways, It's a failed model because they are refusing 50% of resources that are available to them and it does bite them in the ass.

No one can afford to do this. It's the classic newbie manager dick move. they get picky over something like someone's genitals. And it's only young managers that make this mistake too early to realise that they aren't going to find something better in a 'better package'.

It's like apartment hunting for the first time in your life as a young adult. You see the first few apartments and you think you can get picky over the colour of the drapes.

After a few weeks and things start to get desperate. You run out of time. You have to move now for reasons and all those previous selections you were way too picky about start to disappear and you find the only apartments you're coming across are smaller, dingy and soon enough you find yourself bartering for the apartment filled with cockroaches.

So when the guy who had issues with my genitals didn't hire me, I felt rejected. Sad. I went to the next company, trained up, did well. Proceeded to do better. Got promoted. Went to a better place after that. Then after that. And changed into a super duper career after that.

later in the industry I heard his name come up, As I found out he had a bad ego problem and shot his mouth off too much. He burned bridges. he was pretty much un-hireable any where else because of his a reputation of being difficult. And It is a tiny industry to he pretty much painted himself out of the industry and couldn't move into anywhere else with that attitude. So he went to the only company that would hire him.

The kicker is, the industry is so very tiny that 5 yrs later they tried to head hunt me after several people recommended they have me come in and set them up technically because my reputation had gotten around.

I refused.

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