I have trouble winning lane as an ADC

I'm not sure what tier of play you're in but I find that laning as an ADC against players who know what they're doing is more about knowing how to play the lane out because the supports are the ones that will be initiating most trades and all ins. If you're playing Sivir/Blitz into Cait/Nami you're not going to be winning lane until either Blitz hits a good hook or you get a gank, the Cait/Nami will just win every trade against you with empowered Cait autos alone and sustain any damage you do with Nami heal. In that type of lane you can't win as an ADC without your teammates making something happen.

Your focus instead of outperforming the other ADC in trades should be on playing the lane out properly. That means in that in the example I gave that you let them shove you in to give Blitz a good chance to hook them under tower or your jungle a chance to gank. Learn your matchups and how to play them, then you'll always know if you're going to be punishing a weak lane or trying to survive against a strong one.

You just need to look at your lane vs theirs and be ready to punish any mistakes but most of the time your support will be the "deciding factor". There are a lot of lane mechanics you can use to your advantage but if you're playing a lane with bad early levels you just can't hope to bully every lane against good opponents, they'll win trades and punish you with a freeze.

Your focus if you're the weaker lane should be on getting your item spikes and complementing your jungle's and your support's plays instead of trying to make plays happen yourself. When you're ahead it's pretty self explanatory, just zone the enemy ADC from CS and punish them for CS they take.

Don't get annoyed when nothing interesting happens in lane when you're supposed to lose, you're actually winning when that happens.

/r/summonerschool Thread