Trudeau: Canadians watching US unrest and police violence in ‘shock and horror’

I was 12 years old when the cops were called on me. I was shooting a bb gun in a wash by our house and someone thought it was a real gun. A police helicopter was called in and a few police officers with guns went sweeping the area. We had left the wash a few minutes (about 10 or so) prior and we're wondering why a helicopter was hovering overhead and why police were there. When they found us, They put me in handcuffs in the back of their car and the officer told me, a crying 12 year old boy, that we would've shot me without hesitation had he seen me holding the gun.

I'm still afraid of police. Everytime I drive I worry that I'll be pulled over and shot. When I see an officer in a grocery store still in uniform, I avoid that aisle.

I don't know what else to say. I'm honestly not even sure why I'm sharing this. It's just been really bothering me with everything going on recently and this particular comment thread seemed like as good a place as any.

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