So true...

Luke Skywalker: Despite seeing the good in an evil man like Vader, he chooses to ignore his own past experiences in the OT. Instead of trying to talk to his nephew or help him, he chooses to attempt to murder him while he is asleep. When shit hits the fan and he loses his students, he runs away like a coward rather than fight against Ben and the First Order. Decides to stay hidden away for years until Rey shows up, then he acts like a complete dick to her including throwing away his father's lightsaber into the sea, chiding her for wanting to learn the ways of the Jedi, and even lying to her. When given another opportunity to show empathy to his nephew, he just escalates the situation by mocking him. It turns out he didn't even leave to confront Kylo Ren, and used up his powers...and just dies. Doesn't seem very broken up about not stopping the First Order either...

Luke is a despicable cockroach who the film portrays as one of the "good guys".

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