The true deplorables really showing their colors now. Garrett Powell from Hannah B’s season.

I totally get what you’re saying! It’s a pretty red state with some pretty backwards policies. I try to remember that Alabama is full of people whose views, because of gerry mandering and voter suppression, are not represented at the electoral level. A lot of progressive organizing has occurred in the US south. Alabama even!The Montgomery Bus boycott is a good example. As much as people from the North want to believe it’s a haven of progressive thought, the revived KKK found strongholds in both Michigan and NYC. At the moment, one of the largest hospitals in Michigan is upholding a law from 1931 to only allow abortion when medically necessary. It’s rough right now for Northern states too.

Signed, a person from the Southwest US who is frustrated with his elected officials and tired of his votes not meaning anything.

TL;DR: A lot of us Southerners hate this too and our Northern neighbors are dealing with similar regressive bullshit.

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