Why is True Detective so beloved?

I actually had the same exact thoughts on it as you after falling asleep three different times without making it through the first three episodes. I immediately appreciated the cinematography, but couldn't understand what all the fuss was about because it was just so slow-moving and downright boring for me.

Well, yesterday I finally committed because I am particularly drawn to the philosophical overtones, and HOLY SHIT - once it picks up after the 3rd episode or so, it's full on. I thought it was absolutely brilliant and McConaughey's acting was my favorite aspect. The chemistry between he and Harrelson as the tension builds was spellbinding. I was also impressed by the visceral feeling that the cinematography evoked in me - I just felt kind of gross and swampy while watching it.

I'm really happy I gave it another shot even though I didn't go to sleep last night and watched the entire season and now I'm also sad that it's over. I'm going to try out the second season, but I just don't see how it can possibly hold a candle to the character development and exploration of the first season.

FWIW, I streamed it via HBO on Amazon and they have a short 3-minute bit at the end of each episode with the producers where they dive into the philosophy and meaning behind each one, which definitely added to the experience for me.

/r/television Thread