The true Shiny Rates in Let's Go - Serebii's understandable mistake

Yes, you can calculate that in 2000 encounters the 2001st would have 0,17% of not being shiny

First, yeah, this is a very false statement and not at all what I was trying to say. I'm not saying the 2001st has a 0.17% chance. I'm saying going 2000 straight encounters without one has a 0.17% chance. Very big difference.

What’s happening is that you were just unlucky.

That is why I clearly wrote "I know someone is bound to lose the RNG battle at some point" in my original comment. I know how large probabilities work, and I'm not trying to use only 2000 data points to prove something. I'm just using my small sample as a minor supporting factor to open up discussion on the question "Could there be certain room changes that don't reset things?"

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