Is it true that vikings treated women better than most European societies at the time?

It is not accurate to say that Vikings treated women better than most European societies at the time. While Viking society was more egalitarian than some other European societies of the time, it was still a patriarchal society that placed men in positions of power and authority.

Viking women did have more rights and freedoms than some other European women of the time, and they were able to own and inherit property, participate in trade, and even engage in warfare. However, they were still subject to the authority of men, and their rights and opportunities were not equal to those of men.

It is also worth noting that the Viking Age was a period of great social and cultural change, and the roles and rights of women varied widely across different regions and time periods. In some parts of Viking society, women may have had more rights and freedoms than in other parts, and the experience of individual women may have varied greatly.

Overall, it is important to recognize the complexity and diversity of Viking society and to avoid oversimplifying or romanticizing the roles and experiences of women in this period.

Sources for more info:

"Women in the Viking Age" by Judith Jesch (2011) "Viking Women" by Susan M. Margeson (2002) "The Role of Women in the Viking Age" by Karoline Kjesrud (2020)

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