Truly great women

Sure in the short term it will have that affect, unfortunately long term it will only server to alienate one gender over the other. Perhaps men will become as women are today and sure that's deserved based on history yet equality is as the name suggests equal. Propping up one gender at the expense of another is a short term fix to resolve the issue and fast tracks the rise of women. To achieve equality it is short sighted to use tactics that do not promote equality like using a gender when praising an individual for great deeds instead of focusing on the fact that as a human species we are capable of great things and here is proof.

Both Women and men are capable of feats that stir up feelings of pride to be human. I think personally it is far more productive to focus on that feeling rather then trying to as a gender embolden said gender. This promotes a them and us attitude and serves to undermine the end goal.

I could be wrong of course but based in my observations, assigning labels to gender outside the bedroom is in fact a service to undermine the ultimate goal of equality.

We are all humans 1st and gender is 2nd to this fact. Ultimately the only relevant label is "human".

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