Truly at a loss for how to proceed in my work environment.

What is your job title? Are you essentially a producer/ project manager?

You see here in the body of your post you see the difference between how the genders think. You won't like this, but lawsuits and indignation aside, there are some fundamental truths that I think maybe you've decided you don't have to follow.

You thought that telling your boss that "your way" was better than the tried and true way (that your boss likely designed) because you felt it would save time. Whose time? YOUR TIME. You're telling bosses/clients what THEY can do to make YOUR job easier. Frankly, that's disturbing on many levels. It's not YOU getting sued if you miss a milestone, it's the company. Let them worry about it.

You see you embarrassed your boss by stating his way was wrong and your way was better. But, that is not your job. I don't care what your job description says, you only have 1 job to do: "Make your boss look good." (Man or woman, doesn't matter.) It seems that you don't want to do this, you want to make YOU look good. (And for some reason you can't seem to find a way to do both.)

That is not how the world works, at all. No wonder he doesn't trust you, he can't. You're not playing for the same team. (and I don't mean gender. I mean teamwork, mutual understanding and dependence, etc)

You seem unable to consider this truth when dealing with both your boss and the client. Maybe your way is better, maybe it DOES save time. But you know what? That's your bosses choice. Your job is to do what your boss says, not tell your boss what he/she should be telling you.

Then you reinforced your stereotype of being negative by coming here to rant about it. We don't know you or your boss, but sounds like he's onto something here.

The worst part is you read mail not addressed to you. You decry your bosses lack of trust and then read his email without his permission to prove him right? You didn't "snoop", you almost certainly committed a federal offense. You at least committed a firable offense.

Look, in this thread you're going to have people telling you to sue and things like that. Do it if you want to. You may even win a bit of money given that conversation, if you can prove it was taken legally. But you know what you'll also win? A permanent reputation for being... well exactly what they claim you are already. Untrustworthy, firestarting, difficult to work with... etc.

Just find a new job if you can't solve this properly. But frankly, you have to prove you're different than the rest. Men have to do this too. Bosses talk about subordinate men in just the same way, using different words. It's a fact of life. Prove him wrong and win respect if you can, but everything in this post shows you don't understand basics of human interaction in the workplace.

You very well may have deserved this rep, given your admission here of reading his emails and trying to tell him better ways to manage his own freakin' company.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread