Trump Almost Ruined the Operation Against Al-Baghdadi

Trump: "The men who went in there to get this evil mastermind, he was really a bad guy, the worst, our Army men, they have big muscles, you know they work out, they do push ups like you wouldn't believe -- I call them Army men, although a few of them are in the Navy on big boats, and some of them they fly like birds, and that's the Air Force for you, you gotta love them. Can you imagine flying? I would fly if I could, and girls, too, you gotta remember there are girls, only now they are women, I'm told, people tell me you call them women because you gotta show respect . . . our fighting forces went in under cover of darkness using stealth technology, the very best -- Oh, you're never gonna catch us on radar . . . America is so good with stealth, top notch like one of my resort, and that's a lie about bed bugs. If you're a bad guy, you're not gonna get away from us.. Our reach is everywhere. So they went in there after this joker with the turban -- why can't they wear normal hats? -- caught him like the dog he was. People come up to me and ask, sir, did you catch him like a dirty dog, and I say, You'd better believe it . . . in a tunnel. They tell me he was wearing a bomb vest that went boom! He had no where to turn, so he pushed the button. I don't know, was it a button or a switch? I have to ask my generals, but he clicked it and it went boom . . ."

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