Trump can't close an umbrella so he just leaves it

50 years of escalating bad weather and natural disasters, resource depletion, and then financial system collapse, then, full on global riots, due to acidification of oceans, fires/hurricanes/droughts, disruption of food and fuel delivery. War. Famine. And it all starts with the Reagan era white guy southwrn Christian bullshit Republicans and their greed, resulting in this Fuckstick Mcretard inherited wealth douchebag con man traitor, who can't even fucking figure out how to close a umbrella, and who should be a drunk, a wild, cocaine snorting cunt , instead, he's a fucking retard narcissistic ass clown, who will single handedly accelerate the end of human life on Earth.

What a fucking time to be alive.

A fucking umbrella. The dumb motherfucker can't even close an umbrella. For fucks sake

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