Trump caught on microphone congratulating himself about his Trudeau attack: 'That was funny when I said the guy's two-faced'

Oh, he absolutely is a scoundrel.

As for the remarks?

Nothing any of them said was as aggressive as the press wants to make it out to be. None of it was even close to what I'd consider bar-banter between friends.

Boris questions why another leader was late. Trudeau says "Well he was late because he had to top off his schedule with a 40 minute press conference." (Indistinguishable) "Yeah, did you hear he announced" (Indistinguishable) "Could see his team's jaws drop to the floor"

Personally I take Trudeau at his word when he was questioned about it - They were discussing the surprise announcement of some big meetings or another at Camp David.

As for Trumps reply? He was questioned about the video, shrugged and calmly proclaimed "Well he's kind of two faced. I mean, he's a friendly guy. Probably just upset that I was pressing him on the 2% issue."

None of what was said was that aggressive, both the media and Trump supporters/detractors need to get that. I'm pretty positive Obama and Harper probably said worse about one another behind closed doors.

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