Trump claims Pence ‘harassed’ by cast of ‘Hamilton’

It's not. The way I interpreted it this article is guilty of cutting out the Twitter witnesses to push the idea that Trump is denouncing the end-statement, which... while completely fair and sensible (given how this article is written) is really just bad, selective journalism.

It's media re-writing the news in the way that works best for them. Let me be clear. I do not like Trump or Pence. However, when I saw the story break this morning I noticed that a lot of the later articles left out the tweets providing crucial context.

Take a look at some of the tweets. The audience booed and jeered Pence all throughout the shows and after certain lines.

  • @ChristyMoose - I'm at #Hamilton and so is Mike Pence. Crowd booed him like crazy, and gave a standing O at the line "immigrants we get the job done" 1/2

  • @ChristyMoose - 2/2 Crowd went NUTS at King George's lines "when people say they hate you" & "do you know how hard it is to lead?" He had to stop the song.

  • @TheStagmania - At #Hamilton. Mike Pence is here and the entire theater just booed him.

  • @TheStagmania - During "You'll Be Back (Reprise)" they had to keep pausing the song while people jeered Pence on every line.

  • @TheStagmania - "When your people say they hate you..." Fully stopped the song for a minute while people lost their shit. Never seen anything like it.

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