The Trump Internet Keeps Making Fake Hate Symbols And People Keep Falling For It

I'm really confused here. So, you believe the dossier was dismissed by people because the tape was mentioned in BuzzFeed's coverage, and that they should have not mentioned the tape? If I'm not mistaken, they uploaded the dossier, didn't they? So people could read it in full and see the tape being mentioned anyway?

As for relevance, it's a video tape being used as blackmail against the highest office in the nation with the strongest military and arguably biggest influence in world politics. Why would that not be relevant?

Now, from your first comment:

Nope, not "people." It's the press that's falling for fake stories,

In my experience so far, via Twitter, the only tweets I've seen mentioning it are:

  • People who believe this is proof of white nationalism in the White House (which, we already know it exists in the White House without needing to say this hand signal is proof, and one person who I saw point this out didn't focus on the hand signal but instead on Cassandra Fairbanks, a previously high-profile Bernie supporter who quickly became a Cernovich ally and spread a lot of fake bullshit as well as racist nonsense)

  • Media Matters, who originally pointed out the handsign being an intentional nod between certain high profile white nationalists back in January, but they were dismissed because nobody read past their headline and instead decided to mock them

I can't name any media outlets who have brought it up (though, full disclosure, I haven't opened this BuzzFeed article yet so maybe they cite media outlets who have brought it up).

And, again, this is just my personal experience from my social media feed. Maybe you have a different experience, and if you are aware of media outlets who have brought this up, I'd much appreciate to see them.

Especially funny that this comes from buzzfeed, I generally wait a day before trusting their reporting, as that's ample time for their readers to fact-check them. Because "people" are actually better at that than buzzfeed.

I get that it's fun to hate BuzzFeed as clickbait fake news, and I'm glad you actually do admit in your second comment that they've covered things nobody else would, but I still have to disagree with this assertion that BuzzFeed doesn't do any fact checking. Unless you've got a list of times they've published false or incorrect information that could've been fixed by a quick and simple fact check, this reads like the same complaint a lot of people have with the media who have a huge misunderstanding on how journalism works (i.e. the conspiracy theorists who claim the media "changed their narrative" after a mass shooting by reducing the number of shooters, when the reality is initial reports will always include multiple shooters because eyewitnesses are scientifically proven to be unreliable when under great duress and at identifying number of shots, source of shots, direction, etc.)

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