Trump killed Epstein

I was a really small skinny kid. And the neighborhood my agent was in was really far from anything like that. LA is super segregated and spread out. I was really scared to venture into any situations like that. I started out in a hotel and took the bus to work, but it just wasn't sustanable, I wasn't earning enough. The parking lot was this old abandoned thing that was in some sort of legal tie up with the county I think. No one was allowed in there. My first night sucked, but I only went there to sleep. I made friends with some people and would hang out at their hoses a bunch during the day, or go to the beach. I was really hungry to be a successfull actor, I was bullied as a kid and I just wanted to prove the world wrong..

Look at me pouring my life story into your hands, damn, you are good at your job.. lol

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