Trump mistakes C-section for abortion

Wonderful links on the top of politics. I like the one with the person cussing out trump in a blog post. Really solid journalism? I guess. Not sure what to call it.

I think it's sad that you think Trump, myself, or anyone with a pro-life point of view is trivializing the decision. There is nothing trivial about an abortion. He did not trivialize it in the slightest. I do not.

Again, it isn't illegal to remove a dead fetus. I can say it till I'm blue. I can link the laws about it. I can show you cases where it is done. I can do literally anything, but you still believe the fallacy.

It's sad. It's ignorant. It's stupid. George Tiller was preforming abortions in the 9th month. I have seen videos on Politics championing him as a hero. I've seen the documentary and gone through in other posts and with many people the vast number of reasons he would abort a child. It's sick.

Cheers to womens rights though. I support a woman's right to kill a baby right after it is born though. I don't believe that children have rights until the age of 7. That's just my personal belief. Don't infringe on it, ok?

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