Why Trump must be prosecuted: Nothing less can break the twisted bond with his supporters | Not prosecuting Trump would send an unacceptable message. In a democracy nobody should be above the law

Advocating for high taxes has nothing to do with welfare. It has to do with inequality.

After wealth concentration accelerated in the 80s, so did “rent seeking,” which is a way that wealthy people take from the economy without producing anything.

At the current rate of acceleration, it will take about 150 years for one of these Billionaire’s heirs to be able to match the yearly budget of the United States in passive income.

That means we will have multiple people out there making as much money as we spend in taxes. Y’all Republican’s worship the rich, so you probably want your gods to have that kind of power, but it makes me uncomfortable. And I don’t want my kids to live in a world where you took a great country like America and turned it into a bunch of private wealthy families financing their own armies.

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