Trump must’ve forgot about the whole lockdown thing

As much as it seems pedantic, defending brand names in court does turn pretty ugly and very "proactive" pretty quickly. One of the easiest references is Apple Computers vs. Apple Records (the record label of The Beatles). Apple the computer company sued apple records because their logo (that predated the computer company by decades) technically violated their USA copyright.

They later reached a settlement where no money changed hands as long as Apple Records never built computers and Apple Computers never entered the music business. Later, iTunes happened without recourse to Apple Records.

Companies have to fight hard if they have the right to a particular word (like Xerox, Photoshop, other common words) or they lose the right to fight later if someone targets their business and not just the common word they chose.

Me, I think that whole thing is stupid. If you want to make a unique copyright, maybe don't choose a common word like apple or kimono.

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