Trump officials voice anger at G7 focus on 'niche' issues such as climate change

Niche issues such as climate change (ha ha, niche, ha ha), gender equality (again, ha ha, niche, ha ha) and development of africa. (ok, yes, -maybe- you could argue that one..maybe. )

Really what they are mad about is "Other countries want to talk about stuff the Republican Party/Trump supports have decided to plug their ears about and/or not base their entire platform about.

Shocked that they would expect everyone to be talking about nation security when, you know, most of our nation security threats Trump is screaming about are made up, or directly caused by him (who's dehumanizing entire deeply in need refuge populations and dragging crying children away from their screaming mothers arms? Whose lit a fire under and given cover to right wing terrorists?). Also shocked that they would expect everyone else to seriously tackle the potential economic down-turn when everyone else is firmly aware that Trump's idiotic trade war (which he won't even stand up and take ownership of the lying coward) as well as his utter incompetence making negotiating with and relying on the single biggest economy in the world(I think still) means. Shock, the solution to the potential economic upset in the future is "Get rid of Trump." There, solution found, everyone at that conference knows it. Why would they humor Trump by talking about an issue that is purely his fault, and for which the solution is "If you'd just go away it'd solve itself"?

Really this reads like "Trump officals were upset the G7 members didn't talk about campaign issues Trump wants to run on"or that they didn't believe in the fantasy/fairy-tale/faux-new fake new con-job world of reporting Trump wants his supports to believe in (and they do).

It must suck to be hit by the reality that the rest of the world isn't buying the shit Trump is shoveling his followers, and that the rest of the world is on to how utterly pointless dealing with him is.

Here's hoping come January 2021 we get a President that can actually be taken seriously on the national stage by our allies. Instead of one who is just happily smiling while being used by our enemies and rivals, and actively disengaging with our allies, again, because they can see through his BS.

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