Trump: Personality Disorder & ADHD

I'll check the book out.

I recommend Driven to Distraction. Great book.

And my IQ based on a proctored Mensa exam is 148. But Intellectual Quotient doesn't really always apply to practical life. I'm really shitty in a lot of areas of my life and I'm also colourblind. Which is a biological defect.

I appreciate your information and I'm trying to be humble. I've been imbibing with my boyfriend who's gone to bed. I'm just sorta up, reading, composing. About to record u/nut_conspiracy_nut 's requiem for the TDPS reddit sub but I don't wanna cry and then get called a cuck and stuff.

I can tell you're smart. You obviously know what it's like when your mind is defying science and the world is weighing trying to bring you down with some sly smile - like a child. And all the things we see around us bounce like flipped pages. Paperback dreams - but we're nowhere close to slumber or doze. Nothing to slow down.

There's no question there. And people with ADHD and many psychiatric disorders have a predisposition do electrical activity in the brain that can stimulate increased response to quantifiable metrics of intelligence...but I know friends and others who can do some amazing -- beautiful things -- that with all my intelligence, those things - I will never be. As a musician I have a weird set of skills. I literally cannot do basic math. I have to do the song 'Janu-ARY-feb-RUARY. March n' April. MAY! June. July n' August..' every time It think about the calendar. I'm colour blind.

'ADHD can enliven a personality and endear that person to their friends. There is no need for shame.'

The only thing I'm ashamed of is the fact that I make and maintain close friendships and maybe it was my fault - maybe it was just something that happened - but not long ago, my close friend committed suicide, and I wonder every day if I could've done more. And I had a missed call from him. I put my phone on vibrate because I was really tired and needed sleep. And I didn't pick up the phone because I wasn't there to hear it ring, and then the next day I found out he died. I think about it pretty much every single second of ever single day. So I appreciate your advice, but when you tell me ADHD can enliven my personality, I get it, but in terms of that, and everything else...I don't really know what to say.

What if I answered the phone? Maybe he would still be alive.

I'll check your book out.

I'm sorry if I seem angry. I hope you can understand why I'm irritated at your presumptions of ADHD and ADD.

So, yeah. You're right - it definitely enlivens me and allows me to create friends, of whom I keep selective and realistic, and I make friends with most everyone I know. Or rather acquaintances. I have a great circle of friends in many cities. And I know I don't deserve it.

I know I could've done more, maybe. I've been trying to think about talking to somebody about it but I doubt it will get any better.

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