Trump Reflects White Male Fragility

The problem with comparing older FBI statistics is they generally lumped hispanics in with whites. For instance, if you looked at the 2014 data, without realizing it, you'd assume that 46.3% of all murders (and non-negligent homicides) were committed by whites. I mean, it says it right there. To get the white non-hispanic number, though, you have to do a little work. On the right of the page, if you scroll, you'll find hispanic/non-hispanic percentages (something the FBI started tracking in 2013.) And since, per the 2010 US census, less than 4% of hispanics identified as any race other than 'white' on their list, it's actually quite simple to get the real white non-hispanic crime data.


  • 21.6% hispanic / 78.4% non-hispanic

Then we subtract every non-white group from the non-hispanic portion.

78.4 - 51.3 (black) - 1.0 (indian/alaskan) - 1.3 (asian) - 0.1 (hawaiian/pacific islander) = 24.7


Murder (and non-negligent homicide);

  • 51.3% black
  • 24.7% white
  • 21.6% hispanic

We can do this for every crime which the FBI tracks and can even compare large groups of people. For instance, we find that there 390,233 violent crimes in 2014. Doing the above work, we find the violent crime offender demographics look like;

37.7% black (147,118) 35.3% white (137,752) 24.0% hispanic (93,656)

In a country that was, as of 2010;

63.7% white (196,817,552) 16.3% hispanic (50,477,594) 12.6% black (38,929,319)

Meaning the violent crime rate, by race, looks like this;

  • 69.9 white
  • 185.5 hispanic
  • 377.9 black
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