Trump’s administration deleted data on Puerto Rico’s crisis from FEMA’s website

I'll be completely honest... I hope Russia DID help him win! I hope David Duke helped him win. I hope ANYONE helped him win. I hope aliens helped him win lol. Idgaf who helped him win, as long as he won.

If it comes out that he did something illegal, then he will have to answer for that. BUT... the Dems themselves have said more than once IN CONGRESS, that even if he did "collude" with Russia, unfortunately for them, that's still not illegal LOL.

Truly, it doesn't matter HOW you win, it just matters THAT you win. Even, WORST CASE SCENARIO, if he did do something highly illegal and were to be removed from the presidency (LOL highly doubtful), then Pence will pardon him, and the "damage" he has done to liberals hopes of ever REALLY running the country sometime in the next 20-30 years is still wonderful. SCOTUS is in a decent place right now, and once liberals like Kennedy and Ginsberg kick it, it will be hardcore conservative for a very long time. So even if the liberals ever do get back in office, making lasting changes to the country will be difficult. And even better, if Trump gets kicked, the country will have to deal with Pence, which will be like hell on earth for them.

The LESS the federal gov does, in my eyes, the better. Leave most things to the states. Trump can literally do NOTHING ELSE his entire presidency and he's already done enough to make me happy. :)

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