Trump says the coronavirus is the Democrats’ ‘new hoax’

I guess the Democratic party didn't. If so, they'd have impeached.

Well, no. That's kind of a simpletons revisionist history. Were you paying attention at all? Did you listen to and comprehend what any of the democrats were saying during that time period?

But for some reason they thought a phone call with Ukraine would be a better option than collusion with a foreign government?

Were you paying attention at all? Did you listen to and comprehend how poorly trump came off in any of those proceedings? I mean, even though you're throughly duped and confused, republican senetsors were forced to acknowledge how reprehensible his behavior was, even if they were too cowardly to act on those facts.

Yeah, okay buddy.

Better luck in the future chief, there won't always be someone like me around to dumb things down...

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