Trump’s mysterious casino tweet: He's using racism to cover up his corruption

This President, above all others, is the most deserving of impeachment. I see problems though.

When Clinton was going through impeachment, his popularity grew. The same would most likely happen here. It would send his base into a frenzy and if impeachment was unsuccessful, which it would be because Senate Republicans would put party before country like they have been doing for quite some time, the divide in this country would widen. Impeachment is used as a political tool now since Clinton, instead of what it’s intended for.

If impeachment is successful, we would be left with Pence who is as dangerous and crazy as Trump but not as loud about it. Any Republican who was actually thinking of voting against Trump would fall back in line with the party and possibly be tougher to beat in 2020. This is problematic because the undecided voters could be swayed to vote Republican because the mad man is no longer at the helm.

People are fed up with “do nothing Democrats” to the point they could flip. That’s why the Democratic Party needs to get their shit together, get on the same page and DO SOMETHING. Strongly worded letters don’t cut it. No shenanigans like rigging the primaries like the last election. Put forward strong candidates and once the people decide who they want as their nominee, go full steam ahead by tearing Trump down. The pre primary public infighting is embarrassing.

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