Trump’s transgender ban is based on hate

The article is about "Trump's transgender ban." It's in the title. Don't see how it's not entirely relevant to your argument, but okay.

I wasn't questioning your gender because of your political stance - I just have no means of verifying your identity or if what you say about yourself is the truth. This is the internet, after all. You have my sincerest apologies if you felt hurt by my words. I have been known to get hyperbolic when I'm waxing political. However I have also seen people make false claims about their identity in order to give their argument more weight.

Point I was avoiding saying directly in my first response is that we're not a "phenomenon." We're being portrayed as one by politically-minded groups. We're not a new thing. If you're concerned about how we're viewed by "America as a society" we can start changing hearts and minds by showing our country that we're capable of defending freedom, too.

Let's not forget that the majority of transgender servicepeople don't transition while on active duty. Transgender people have been around forever, well before Obama's policies. A WWII veteran came out as transgender. This should not be something policy should address. It's almost invalidating to transgender people at large. Every other able-bodied person can serve, except us. This policy is not a result of social experimentation. This policy is the intentionally inflammatory result of a political climate that went from discussion and discourse to outright combat zone.

Diversity is not being shoved down anyone's throat, unless somehow having to serve alongside a fellow patriot whose life is different than yours is somehow some kind of forceful action. The same argument was made about integration in the last century. Want to make that argument about ethnic minorities, women, or gays?

The motivations are entirely political, much the same way as Trump's refusal to decry white nationalists in Charlottesville. If your issue here is that you don't think this direct, discriminatory action taken against you, me, and others is worthy of being categorized as "hate," then I seriously think you should reconsider your interpretation of that word. The actions of this cabinet have been dehumanizing and prejudicial in the most severe way possible.

This becomes astonishingly apparent when you discover that enacting the ban is immensely more difficult than just letting capable (trans)people serve. And what of future servicepeople, still in the closet when they sign up? No word on that still.

This ban does nothing but perpetuate fear.

It is unnecessary, and has no real grounds outside of political motivations - by forcing democrats in blue-collar states to take up arms, alienating their constituents - and fully-fledged hate.

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